“In 1984 they thought we were crazy to grow our grapes organically. We’ve spent the last twenty-five years proving that they were right! Now, it seems everybody wants to be crazy, and that’s just what this planet needs. Crazy by Nature – makes perfect sense.”

A blend from our biodynamic Estate vineyards in the Gisborne winegrowing district. The original Riverpoint parcel was planted in 1978. Situated alongside the old Waipaoa riverbed the soils here contain high levels of fine silt and silken clays and these minerals assist in producing aromatic, dense wines. Proximity to the Pacific Ocean exposes the site to a cooling sea breeze during summer and this effect plays a pivotal role in capturing a special delicacy of flavour in the grapes grown from this site. Our Opou vineyard gives the wine a soft, warm mouth filling character, which can be enjoyed while still quite young.

Shotberries are those intense little seedless grapes for which the Mendoza selection of Chardonnay is renowned.

NOTES FROM THE WINEMAKER: The 2015 harvest produced wonderfully ripe grapes and full crunchy flavours. I make this wine in a fruit-forward style with the freshness of an ocean breeze and the texture of fine silt loam. The young juice is fermented in stainless steel tanks with natural yeasts and no further additions in the form of finings.

In 1984 they thought we were crazy to grow our grapes organically. We’ve spent the last twenty-five years proving that they were right! Now, it seems everybody wants to be crazy, and that’s just what this planet needs. Crazy by Nature – makes "In 1984 they thought we were crazy to grow our grapes organically. We’ve spent the last twenty-five years proving that they were right! Now, it seems everybody wants to be crazy, and that’s just what this planet needs. Crazy by Nature – makes perfect sense.”

A blend from our biodynamic Estate vineyards in the Gisborne winegrowing district. The original Riverpoint parcel was planted in 1978. Situated alongside the old Waipaoa riverbed the soils here contain high levels of fine silt and silken clays and these minerals assist in producing aromatic, dense wines. Proximity to the Pacific Ocean exposes the site to a cooling sea breeze during summer and this effect plays a pivotal role in capturing a special delicacy of flavour in the grapes grown from this site. Our Opou vineyard gives the wine a soft, warm mouth filling character, which can be enjoyed while still quite young.

Shotberries are those intense little seedless grapes for which the Mendoza selection of Chardonnay is renowned.
A versatile food wine, particularly suitable with seafood, cheeses and summer salads. A glass of Gisborne Sunshine! Serve cool.


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