Organic, biodynamic, low preservative, vegan-friendly, natural wines. At Macquariedale Organic Wines we follow a passion for natural winemaking, specialising in converting small parcels of grapes into the most delicious natural wines available in Australia.

In 2005 Macquariedale Organic Wines became the first vineyard in the Hunter Valley to receive full Biodynamic Certification. Becoming Biodynamic was a lifestyle choice as well as it being very important to us to be able to improve the land as we farm it. Biodynamics takes organic and sustainability practises several steps further by actually improving the soil. Being Certified Biodynamic/Organic means all products used in the vineyard (and in our case our whole property) are all natural and do not contain synthetic chemicals, herbicides, pesticides or systemic chemicals. The results of these practises is that the produce is grown the way nature intended, retaining its fullness of flavour, richness of colour and diversity or aromas of the land. By practising Biodynamic viticulture, we secure a better and healthier future for our land, our plants, ourselves and for you, our customers.


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